Asia Pacific Shipping Policy ships daily by UPS. The turnaround time for orders is usually within 24-48 hours from the time payment is processed. If you have special requests or more urgent needs for delivery, please contact us with your ORDER # at our Los Angeles office and we will do our best to your meet your needs.
If Next Day, 2nd Day, or 3rd Day delivery is needed, your order must be place no later than 12:00pm PST. FREE shipping is available on orders over $300.00 (excludes displays and only applies to the continental United States).
5132 S. Alameda St. Vernon, CA 90058
Tel: (323) 277-5951
Fax: (866) 278-2462
Toll Free: 1-800-613-2657

We will charge US $10.00 per carton, for any return package without authorization. We will charge a service fee of US $20.00 for any returned check. All returns must be authorized and APTC is not responsible for the freight fee.